Posts Tagged ‘real estate’

EPISODE 370: Uber for peacocks

February 7, 2019

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Happy National Bagel Day Eve Eve! How are you planning to celebrate? By covering yourself in seeds and filling yourself with cream cheese? Probably just a normal day for you. Anyway, get into the NBD mood by listening to Answer Me This! Episode 370, wherein we discuss:

Escape to the Country
International Men’s Day
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
legal drinking age
Bullet Journals/Pomodoro Technique/A life of productivity vs Filofax
where to hang sexy paintings of yourself.

In this month’s Bonus Bit of Crap on the App – available for iPadPhones, Android and Windows devices – we hear about Olly’s pet fish Mr Reverend Fish.

Check in with our other work: Helen makes the entertainment show about language The Allusionist, recently featuring Susie Dent off Countdown; Olly’s show The Week Unwrapped deals with the news stories you haven’t been hearing about; and Martin the Sound Man is releasing a new song a week as part of his new 40-track mega album The Year of the Bird, complete with illustrations and diaries about each song. Get it from

This episode is sponsored by Squarespace, with which you can easily and quickly set up a good-looking website for your projects. Visit and get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain with the discount code ‘answer‘.

As for every episode so far and for every episode yet to come, we want your QUESTIONS: send them, in writing or as voice recordings, to

Be our interfriend at and

We’ll be back with AMT371 on 7 March, and there’ll be a Retro AMT episode in your feeds on 21 February.

Helen & Olly

••• AMT370 Child-Friendly Rating: 80%. Couple of swears, no bawd. Discussion of productivity systems might be a bit boring for your child? •••


EPISODE 245 – space chutney

February 7, 2013

Hello listeners,

What are the smells that trigger certain feelings or memories for you? Does the scent of a rose transport you back to eating Turkish Delight with your gran? Do exhaust fumes remind you of that trip to Rome where you lost your wallet but gained some minor STDs? Does cider bring back all too vividly that time you puked into your dad’s slippers?

Whatever the flavour of your nasal nostalgia, take a big sniff and listen to Answer Me This! Episode 245:

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Today we speak of:

Annie Lennox
bouquet tossing
the grapevine
the cheesy moon
the Earl of Grantham’s house before he moved into Downton Abbey
Arrested Development vs. Arrested Development
sexy dill
wedding suits
Marvin Gaye: phone engineer
DVD/Blu-ray ordering
the lies of David Sneddon.

Also: Olly’s not a bad driver, it’s just his cursed jumper; Helen is abusing her magnificent brain, by filling it with shitcoms then hitting it with beer bottles; and Martin the Sound Man’s impression of Gregg Wallace is uncannilly shitty.

This week’s Bit of Crap on the App (available for iDevices and Android) is a question from Ellen in North Carolina about the Tim Tam Explosion. If you’re not sure what that is, imagine the Australian version of the Soggy Biscuit Game.

On the subject of sweet things, see the proof of Thorntons icing HERE. But this innocentish fun has a dark side, and we don’t just mean 70% cocoa solids dark. As you’ll find out in the episode, Thorntons are striking back! Ulp…

Assuming Thorntons haven’t shut us down by next week, send us your QUESTIONS: email them to or leave voicemails on the Question Line by calling 0208 123 5877 or Skype ID answermethis.


Helen & Olly