Posts Tagged ‘parodies’

Thursday Listening Party

November 6, 2014

On the Thursdays we don’t release a new AMT, we crank up the spoken word audio and have a Thursday Listening Party.
Click here to attend all previous gatherings.

Man uses an ear trumpet

Thanks so much to all of you who contributed to Radiotopia’s Kickstarter and thus enabled me to make my new podcast! That’ll be out in January. But if you haven’t donated, please do: they need 20,000 backers to secure an extra $25,000 from Hover, so it’s a big help even if you give just $1. Their new goal is $500,000, which will mean MORE Radio Diaries (hurrah!), MORE Strangers (calloo callay!), MORE Theory of Everything (rejoice!), and MORE Fugitive Waves (which is jolly good news if their recent episode featuring a young, surprisingly sugary-voiced Patti Smith is anything to go by). MORE excellent, well-made, classy podcasts – we can all get behind that notion, yes? As well as their plans for a paid internship, so that a new generation can enter the podcasting ‘profession’. Because if it’s good enough for Sylvester Stallone…

YES, Sylvester Stallone is a podcaster. Repeat: SYLVESTER STALLONE IS A PODCASTER.

Sort of.

Good luck with it, Sly!

Here’s a little thing for all you rabid fans of Serial: parodies! The Mailchimp plug at the beginning is my favourite.

Now, if you’re interested in the science of food, hightail to this recent Food Programme interview with Harold McGee, author of the seminal food science tome On Food and Cooking which fired the molecular gastronomy neurones in Heston Blumenthal’s brain. And what inspired McGee to write the thing? Blazing Saddles. O…kay.

If you’re hungry for more food for your ears, here’s a show all about the history of the noodle; and more generally, guzzle The Sporkful and Gastropod podcasts.

Finally: if you pick up a copy of the Guardian this Saturday (8th November 2014), peruse the Do Something supplement, wherein you’ll find the AMT guide to starting a podcast plus photos of us looking like twats in our home studio. (I assume. I haven’t seen the pictures yet, but we usually look like twats every time somebody points a camera at us, so it’s a safe bet.)

Gimme more stuff to listen to: recommend shows in the comments, please!

Tune in to our various other gigs:

Catch up on AMT301 and the episodes preceding it.
Olly’s on LBC every weekday 1am-4am. Chug several espressos and stay awake with him.
I host the monthly Sound Women podcast. This month, I met the owner of the quintessential radio voice – and enacter of the greatest on-air giggle-fit in recent yearsCharlotte Green.
Martin the Sound Man makes numerous other podcasts, including Brain Train about clever things, The Global Lab about cities and stuff, and The Sound of the Ladies music podcast.
AMT episodes 1-170 and the special AMT albums are all available for a piddling little price at, and if you buy any of them you’re bankrolling the podcast, for which we are extremely grateful.