EPISODE 132 – scientifically proven by science


Rejoice, listeners, for in Answer Me This! Episode 132, your prayers have at last been answered! Well, some of the prayers of some of you, specifically those asking if we could get Andy Zaltzman onto the show. Any other prayers will continue to be in vain, unless we’re backing the wrong horse atheism-wise.

Anyway. It took a lot of form-filling, tear-drenched phone-calls to his agent, and complaining to Mum; but here Andy is:

This classic episode is available to BUY NOW for just 79p at the Answer Me This! Store, through a secure server, without DRM restriction. CLICK HERE to find out more and support our podcast. (This helps keep our most recent episodes free)

Inevitably, whenever and wherever Andy speaks, he speaks of sport. But we also manage to shoehorn in:

Wine Gums
Gordon Brown
Denise Van Outen
cricket vs. blogging
Andy vs. Liverpool
curry vs. Martin the Sound Man
surveyors vs. honesty
football hooligans vs. Johannesburg
Beth Ditto
Kim Jong-Il
the Sistine Chapel
the real problem with George W Bush.

Plus: Olly decries the cuisine of Spain; Helen tells you how best to decide your vote in the forthcoming election; Martin the Sound Man lines up a new band name for when in-fighting rends The Sound of the Ladies apart; and Andy comes up with an all-too-literal means of how to ask for a lady’s hand in marriage. His wife’s knitting career was brought to an abrupt end when he plighted his troth.

If you want a bit more of Andy in your life, then you can: go to see him do stand-up; listen to his podcast The Bugle, co-starring John Oliver; read his cricket blog; and buy his book. Or you could try marrying in to the Zaltzman family, but almost all vacancies have been filled.

The AMT service returns to normal next week, so please send in your QUESTIONS for the usual treatment – email them to answermethispodcast@googlemail.com or leave a voicemail on Skype ID answermethis or our question line 0208 123 5877. No sport, we beg of you. This episode contained more than the entirety of the rest of our lives combined.

See you next Thursday!

Helen and Olly

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6 Responses to “EPISODE 132 – scientifically proven by science”

  1. helenzaltzman Says:

    How about proposing with a copy of The Ring on dvd? No?

  2. Julia Jay Says:

    Nichole’s idea is excellent!

    As a former silversmith, my two cents are that it’s not absolutely crucial to get the size right, rings can easily be re-sized. Check with the jeweler, it may be a service they offer with the purchase of an engagement ring.

  3. nichole (From New York City) Says:

    It’s true, whether the woman is a diamonds are forever girl or an earthcruncher who wants petrified wood on a silver band, jewelry is important. *THE* ring even more so because you’re never supposed to take it off. Best thing to do if you’re at a loss and not inheriting grandma’s band, is to buy an obvious toy one, like you can get in any kid’s coin machine and propose that way. It will be sweet, she won’t have to return it or be upset at you picking the wrong thing and she’ll be able to pick out her own choice and possibly get you both matching bands if both parties are wearing one.

  4. Emma Says:

    Marvellous episode, but I am starting to feel like I’m inadvertently audio-stalking the Zaltzman family as they are appearing on almost all of the podcasts I subscribe to! Keep up the good work chaps.

  5. Mysterious Matt Says:

    Wonderful as always!

  6. Alan Says:

    New Podcast very good as always……and if I dare say Better as My Question was in it……..Thanks All

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